Sunday, July 5, 2015

Creating a maven plugin with java 5 annotations rather than javadoc tags

Actually, creating a plugin with the Maven Plugin Tools, is something, thanks to the plugins themselves, which is relatively trivial; however, because it took me a long time to get my plugin working properly with Java 5 annotations rather than Javadoc Tags, I decided to write it down.

I must confess that, sadly enough, Maven has never been a strength of mine so that it was no surprise that my plugin didn't immediately function properly. The problem I faced was in the passing of the parameters to my Mojo during execution of my newly created plugin.

When converted to Java 5 annotation, the class "outputDirectory" attribute, in the default created Mojo,  was always null even though I had the proper configuration in my host project's pom.xml


To make sure that we all have the same starting point let me begin, by showing how I used the Maven Integration for Eclipse plugin, M2E, to create a new Maven project as shown below.

Then I selected the "maven-archetype-mojo" as a  temple for my new project,

  and finally gave my plugin a groupId and artefactId.

What follows is a view of the Maven project from within eclipse. As you can see, the project already contains a Mojo class, called MyMojo, which was created from me

Every plugin needs a plugin.xml file, which is generated by the maven-plugin-plugin and which can be found the the META-INF\maven folder of the generated jar file. By default, maven-plugin-plugin generates the plugin.xml file from the Mojo Javadoc Tags found in the Java code. These tags look like this:

 * Goal which touches a timestamp file. * 
 * @goal touch 
 * @phase process-sources 

If you, as I did, would rather use Java 5 annotations, such as:

@Mojo( name = "touch" )
public class MyMojo
    extends AbstractMojo {

   @Parameter(defaultValue = "c:\\", required=true)
    public File outputDirectory;

   @Parameter(defaultValue = "Hello World!!!!", required=true)
    public String greeting;

for you plugin.xml generation, then you will have to rely on another plugin; namely: maven-plugin-annotations.

To do this you will have to add an additional dependency, to your plugin project's pom.xml.

<!-- dependencies to annotations -->

and override Maven core's default-descriptor execution phase to process-classes as follows:

          <!-- if you want to generate help goal -->

It wasn't until this last change that the @Parameter annotated attributes of my Mojo were finally set properly during execution of my plugin.  Both of these additions are well described here; however, when I read them for the first time, I wasn't smart enough to understand them; as often is the case, and needed to waste a day before I finally came to my senses.

If you get a message like this:

Error extracting plugin descriptor: 'Goal: touch already exists in the plugin descriptor for prefix: junk
[ERROR] Existing implementation is: org.wmmnpr.junk_maven_plugin.MyMojo

then be sure to delete the old Javadoc Tags.

Good luck!

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